
Showing posts from March, 2021

Film Opening - ROUGH DRAFT

Film Opening Rough Draft

Editing 2

  Here is a screenshot of my editing. I recorded shots of individuals putting on a mask - somewhat solum which created a bit of a dramatic effect. A shot from last week (of a series of text messages discussing the changes going on once the coronavirus hit) transitions to a shot of the first individual (Lissa Mann) putting on a mask. I wasn't sure last week how it was going to work, but I like how the text is shown briefly over the next shot as they transition.    Here is the second screenshot of my editing screen from more filming that I was able to do this week. I'm not sure if I am going to add extra titles or not because I like the simplicity.  In my last post, I showed my title scene. This week I am going to work on implementing the big party scene and making sure those transitions go smoothly and work nicely. I also have been playing around on iMovie with audio. The party scene will have mostly diegetic sound and maybe some light music underneath. These scenes a...