Film Opening Research #2 - The Sound of Music
How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences of the film?
The title of the film, The Sound of Music, is shown prior to the opening scene. Other than that, there are no titles displayed during the opening sequences of the film.
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The Swiss Alps are prioritized greatly in the opening as they are the background in which the protagonist, Maria, is running around and taking in the beauty of her environment. Additionally, Maria herself is the main focus of the opening sequence whilst she is singing the song, "The Sound of Music."
What connotations do the images carry?These images carry very positive connotations. Throughout the opening, which is the song, Maria is sharing with the audience how the hills and the mountains, as well as, the great power of music make her feel. They fill her with love, laughter, a sense of comfortability, and inspiration.
How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
The Sound of Music can be classified into several genres, however, the film really is a love story. It shares the love that Maria finds with the Von Trapps, but also the love that they for music and that they have for their home country of Austria -- especially in a time of war and destruction. Maria passionately announcing throughout the opening song/scene how much influence music and the environment has on her life, which reinforces the genre in a very powerful way.
How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
While it is clear of her appreciation for music and Austria, there is some mystery in Maria's words and ideas throughout the scene. She is explaining the emotions in which these factors are pulling out of her, making it clear how much she is yearning for more out of life. This anticipation for what she will do next is the enigma on behalf of Maria and for the audience.
What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The Sound of Music is a timeless film. As a child, I loved this film for its memorable music, not at the age where I understood the deeper meaning behind the story as it related to historical events. However, as I've gotten older, I have been able to appreciate not only the music, but also the characters, the message, and the story as a whole. This idea is likely similar for most who watch the film. The music and the colorization of the film appeal to the target of children. Then, the film has elements of distinguished characters, their personalities, and involvement with darker history which appeals and is appreciated by an older audience.
How has technology been used effectively? You might want to consider camera angles, transitions, and editing techniques.
The scene opens with the iconic swooping, establishing shot coming in on Maria spinning around a field within the Alps. The opening scene consists of dolly shots, follow shots, and lots of boom shots. The transition from some hills to some trees, keeping the Alps in the shot at all times. The camera angles, as well as, the color schemes and music enhance the feeling and passion of the scene.
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