
Showing posts from January, 2021

Initial Storyboard

 For my opening film, I wanted to take the events of this past year and put them on screen. My plan is to create a New Year's Eve party. The film will open at a party with a group of friends celebrating the end of 2019 and soon to be the year 2020. The will be an establishing shot and will consist of diegetic sounds with possibly some light music backing it. The camera will pan to some friends take pictures, where one will notice the clock about to hit midnight. At this point, a wide shot will take place, the group of friends get ready and begin to countdown from 10. After they chant "10," the camera will cut to clips of the girls in the future watching and reading the news about the coronavirus entering the United States. This will likely take the form of POV, medium, and cameo shots. The music will also die down and become more intense to fit the situation. Soon after, the camera will cut back to the party as the girls chant "9." The camera will then transitio...

Movie Opener Brainstorming & Research

1. The title of this film is, "Rise." The genre of this film was sports, possibly tying into a sort of combining of age type-feel. It shows a very talented soccer player being discovered by what can be assumed to be a coach or recruiter. Right from the start, the quality of their videos are very good, they have very clear images and clean movements. They are creative with their camera angles, using a variety of them. I loved how music quietly starting playing and as the main character put on headphones, the volume of the music increased -- as if we were hearing what he was hearing. Then the camera shots were on the beat with the music, which I thought was a really cool element and something that I would love to incorporate in my opening. The music shifts and a second song is added on top, it blends really well and keeps the feel of the opening very strong and intriguing. I didn't love the two ending chocker shots, but it was a good way to leave the audience thinking and w...

Semester Exam - Film Analyses of Black Mirror (season 3, episode 4, San Junipero)

In season three, episode 4 of the Netflix series "Black Mirror," the shot opens up with a plain black screen. White text in the form of codes begins to appear, doing so with sounds of typing playing. The text shows the show title, Black Mirror, and then a crack in the screen jumps out -- almost as if the screen was an actual mirror. The sounds flatline and the text fades. The episode title, "San Junipero," shows quickly and then also fades. Just with the title sequence, there is bits of suspense and erieness due to the typing and flatlinning sounds that will leave the audience wanting to see and hear more.  The opening shot of the episode shows waves of the ocean rising to the shore. The setting is dark, showing the audience that it is clearly night time. The water is also dark except for the neon colors reflecting onto it, this shows that the shot has developed through low-key lighting. An establishing shot is then shown, displaying the city which is off the coast ...

My Film Opening Project - Genre & Group Members

 The genre of my film will be Coming-of-Age Drama. I will be working alone. 

Film Opening Research #2 - The Sound of Music

  How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences of the film?  The title of the film, The Sound of Music, is shown prior to the opening scene. Other than that, there are no titles displayed during the opening sequences of the film.  What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?  The Swiss Alps are prioritized greatly in the opening as they are the background in which the protagonist, Maria, is running around and taking in the beauty of her environment. Additionally, Maria herself is the main focus of the opening sequence whilst she is singing the song, "The Sound of Music."  What connotations do the images carry?  These images carry very positive connotations. Throughout the opening, which is the song, Maria is sharing with the audience how the hills and the mountains, as well as, the great power of music make her feel. They fill her with love, laughter, a sense of comfortability, and inspiration.  How is genre reinforced through sym...

Film Opening Research #1 - Sixteen Candles

  How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences of the film?  There are about 22 titles displayed during the opening sequences of the 1984 film "Sixteen Candles." The titles include the name of the film, the leading actors and actresses, and the members of the crew (such as producers, casting, and music directors).  What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?  The opening sequence shows images of the school in which is a primary setting for the film. They also show students who attend the school: getting off the bus, walking through the campus, opening lockers. More specifically, they show students who are couples and are in relationships, showing affection as they walk together -- including the iconic hand in the back pocket.  What connotations do the images carry?  The images carry both positive and negative connotations. The environment in the opening sequences is filled with lovestruck teenagers -- which to them, being together is ...